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Sunday, December 21, 2008


i just want to share:

ive been researching about the word "flirting".. and here it goes:

scatter flirting is one type of flirting which means:

Scatter Flirting:
Some women flirt alternately with several different men at the same time until they got a positive response from one of them.

Admittedly, some people seem to be naturally flirtatious. Their smiles, laughter, and easy manner of relating tends to draw the opposite sex like a magnet.

Even if you aren't quite comfortable with the concept of flirting, these tips should provide you with the information you need to understand what flirting is, how to flirt, how to be flirted with, and enable you to get out and start flirting up a storm with class and style!

Deb's Flirting 101
  1. Avoid flirting with someone else's honey. You look less than righteous (rather trifling actually), and could really hurt someone's feelings or start something you are not prepared to finish.

  2. Don't expect that because someone flirts with you that you are owed their time or anything else. Relax! Look upon the flirtation as a pleasant way to pass the time.

  3. Don't flirt to make someone you are with (or want to be with) jealous. It will most likely backfire and you'll end up looking like a fool.

  4. Remember that flirting is subtle. Overt sexual innuendo (unless it's with your main squeeze) is not flirting… it's a proposition! Avoid verbal comments or behavior that could be construed as an overt sexual invitation.

  5. Lastly, flirt only with the one you really want, not the one that is easy to get. Often what happens is the one you really want is watching you, and then decides that you weren't really flirting with or interested in them anyway.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

true friend..flirting

You know, if you're a flirtatious person at heart, then that's just you.

Then she says in a friendly conversation, 'I'm just a little flirtatious.' ....OK, like that's not gonna make me worry., and I always notice her flirting with a lot of other boys. So I tell her this, and all the sudden shes in defense mode. 'I mean I goof around with our friends, like giving them a hard time and stuff. That is what I meant, so I don't flirt but I goof around and THAT could be considered flirting.'


Friend. What exactly is the definition of that word? Is it someone that is suppose to be there for you no matter what? Is it someone that you can tell anything to and trust them not to tell anyone? Well I'll tell you what its not.

its not someone that would ask for you to betray another friend. Well i thought i would just let you guys know what a friend wasn't.


sorry but im not in the mood to post right now.. my brain isnt working that fine..

Friday, December 19, 2008

bitching stinks

Personally, I hate bitching and moaning about every little problem that comes up..

Who do you think you are? start off like this.. Do you even KNOW who you are?
It's so funny how people act like who they WANT you to think they are.
I find it amazing how a person can be TWO totally different people...

It makes me laugh when I read your lies.. and it makes me laugh even harder when other people believe them.

I need to get this of my chest.Some folk's need a wake up call.If you know that you are doing something wrong STOP IT!!!! Give up the ghost,grow up take responsibility for your actions.

Most of us know the difference between right and wrong.When you ask a question be truthful,there for you should get a truthful answer.If you beat around the bush,thats what you will get.A bush and a big stick to knock yourself upside the head with.

Im just so tired of those looking for someone else to fill their void.

People are selfish.Therefor,they justify what they do.Whether it is cheating on their spouse, telling those little white lies.No one wants to be seen as a heartless bastard when they have wronged someone.So they tell themselves "it was their fault,if they had only given me the ______(fill in the blank)this would not have happened". That is one big crock of shit,we all know it is.

Nonsense blathering of a selfish person.You dont do as you should because you are afraid.Im not talking about the closet monster.You are afraid that you might be wrong.If you are true to yourself and the ones around you,you would do the right thing for everyone involved.

Ah,but you dont.Your lies become even more grandiose,you even start to believe your b.s.Here's a news flash your other half is onto you,they know somethings up.They resent you,you discuss them.Doesnt matter what your "new" interest thinks of you really.You are still in the cloudy area,where you need that "fix" that only they can provide.Only this person understands and accepts you the way you are.Bullshit,kiddo you are fooling yourself.What you have become or maybe you already have been all along is a lying,manipulative dreg of a human being.

If you are having an affair or considering one dont be ass and go for it.You will come out looking and behaving like a heartless bastard.Let's face it working on finding number two while you are still with number one is stupid.I've heard soooooo many excuses and thats all they are,are excuses.You do it because you feel justified,your needs are not being met whether emotionally or physically.Most of you are past the seven year itch.

If I have offended you,I cant help you there.You will just have to be offended.Life really is'nt cut and dry.To go around hurting others because you feel justified really stinks


btw.. another thing. i didnt say that im pretty.. here's my picture... hehehe..

to be FAIR enough.. might as well post my pic too

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kick butt off

well.. we all know what had happened.. right?

gorgeous mitch.. told me that i am INSECURE...

im gonna tell ya now.. that.. she doesnt know what the hell she's talking about..

first.. im gonna post her pics and bebabe pic...


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now tell me..should i be insecure?? HELL NO..
she's not that pretty.. hehehhe.. =P

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

internet addict

How much time do you spend online in a day? How about a week? What do you find intriguing about the internet? Many could say that it's the temptation to escape reality for a short time- I know that's my reason. Or perhaps it's just the overwhelming boredom that ensues high school and college classes, when the need to do something other than play that video game you've already beat countless times is just insatiable...

Many people are addicted to the internet, and most of the time don't even realize it. I'll admit - a couple years ago, I was an addict. I found safety and comfort in my online relationships and was more comfortable in this different realm. I even had a peer say to me during the chitchats that there is no such thing as an internet addiction. It's not an addiction until that activity or thing gets in the way of things that should be set as a priority, such as school, work, outside relationships - well. it affect the activities of my daily living...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

online relationship and so called SOULMATE

Anyone can sound terrific online.Sure why not?You cant see,hear or feel any emotion.besides you can get comfy in your own surroundings.Gee, this is great I can sit here and get emotionally involved with words on a screen.BRILLIANT! Why didn't I do this sooner?I can have my cake and eat it too.Of course that inst what you are telling yourself.You like feeling admired and appreciated by those words.You cant wait to get home and check your email so you can have that warm fuzzy feeling.This person understands me,they know the real me.Thats what you tell yourself.Works for awhile im sure."Why don't we take this to the next level(another much used phrase)and talk on the phone."Sure! sounds great!They only live on the other side of the country or another country altogether.Wow! sounding better isnt it?Makes you want to try it.Then comes the expense of the phone calls.Frequent at first,then daily or many times daily.You suffer at work due to lack of sleep.You avoid friends and family,lets face it you dont have the time.It is a lot of work to wait on those phone calls,another full time job.Your way of living suffers,you start looking sloppy,your surroundings could be falling down around your ears,you dont care.Here comes the "word".....SOULMATE.....this person is my soulmate.Bullshit! you wouldnt know your soulmate if they jumped up and bit you on the ass.It's a word people.Soulmate is used as an expression,just an expression.It makes you sound true and kind,that you can and will withstand any hardship with this person.Bullshit,thats what sums it up, is bullshit.

If you see yourself in this im truly sorry.Im not picking on any one person or persons.Im voicing what I feel and what I've experienced.It's very sad we can all get caught up in the moment.